Keeping squirrels and other pests out of your bird feeder isn’t always easy, but it’s a great way to keep your bird friends happy! Many people are delighted to see adorable little birds flocking around their feeders every day.
But not everyone is so happy about these little visitors – especially the pesky rodents that want to raid your birdfeeders for food. If you don’t want unwanted guests taking advantage of your birdfeeders, here are some tips on how to keep squirrels and other pests out of your bird feeder.
Be prepared.
Most pest control companies will quote you a cost for exterminating squirrels or other pests. Before you call in the exterminators, take a few steps to make sure your feeder is squirrel-proof. Clean your feeders regularly, so that rodents aren’t able to hide in the nooks and crannies of the feeder.
Remove any possible hiding places, and clean them thoroughly. Install feeder covers to keep birds from perching and scratching at the feeder. Some feeders can be mounted higher, or hung closer to the ground, to make them less accessible to squirrels.
Use a squirrel-proof feeder.
A squirrel-proof feeder isn’t a guarantee against squirrels, but it is the best way to reduce their access to food. These feeders have several features designed to keep squirrels out. Many feeders come with a screen lid that covers the seed food during the day. This can limit access to the feeder at certain hours of the day, making it less enticing to squirrels.

Keep your feeders clean.
If you keep your feeders clean, you’ll be less likely to attract pests. Use a feeder brush to scrub the feeder and the surrounding area, then wash the feeder in a few changes of water. Clean the inside of your feeder, too, as this can be where most of the pests are hiding out.
Install bird spikes.
Birds love to perch, so why not mount your feeder on a stand with spikes? This will give the birds something to stand on, but it won’t allow them to perch on the feeder. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you can put spikes on the sides of your feeder.
Coop your birds.
Keep your bird feeders inside, or in a covered area. This will keep your birds safe from hungry pests, and let them have a safe place to feed. If you can’t keep your feeders inside, you can try using a metal pole with an attached feeder.
This will keep your feeder off the ground, making it less accessible to pests. Alternatively, you can keep the feeder and a few extra seeds out in a large container, like a birdfeeder saucer.

Keep cats indoors.
Keeping your cat indoors will keep her away from your bird feeders, which are usually a favourite place to hang out. If you must bring her outside, keep her in a catio, or a covered porch, and keep the feeders away from it.
Don’t give treats to wild animals.
Finally, don’t give your birds extra treats or scraps from the table. This will only encourage them to eat out of the bird feeder, which is a popular spot for most birds. Keep your birds healthy by providing them with the proper amount of food.
Keeping pest animals out of your bird feeder isn’t always easy, but it is worth the effort! As long as you follow these tips, you should be able to keep squirrels, raccoons and even bears and other large predators out of your feeder. If you do happen to have a rodent problem, there are also some great ways to get rid of them. Keeping your feeders clean and well-maintained is one of the best ways to keep pests out of your feeder.
If your feeders are dirty or in disrepair, rodents are likely to be able to get inside and feed. Similarly, feeders that aren’t close enough to the ground can be easy to access by small animals, so mounting your feeder higher or using spikes to keep it off the ground is a good way to keep pests out. For more tips on how to keep pests out of your bird feeder, read our article below!