You’ve probably heard of the saying “opportunities come disguised as challenges.” While that may not be entirely true, it is true in business. The more you build your business the more opportunities you will see. Businesses are built on relationships and trust, which is why building your business starts with cultivating those relationships. You can’t just decide to build a pest business—you have to know how to do it. Fortunately, building a pest business doesn’t have to be hard or scary. Here are some helpful tips for starting your own pest business:

Be persistent and be willing to take risks
When you’re just getting started in your pest business, you have to be persistent and willing to take a few risks. Many people are afraid of taking risks, but it’s a crucial part of building any business. Every time you do something a little bit different, you have a chance to learn something new. If you’re afraid of taking risks, you might miss opportunities that would make your business much more successful.
Your first few clients will be tentative, and nervous that you might mess up. This is normal. Don’t let them push you away. Try to understand why they’re hesitant to hire a new pest company. Offer to cater to their needs in a way that makes them feel more comfortable. You may need to try different things to find your niche, but with persistence, you will succeed.
Network, network, network
Your first step to building a pest business is networking. You may be thinking “that’s what every other article says”—but, networking is the most important thing you can do as a pest company. Being in the know and finding contacts is what will get your name out there, not just with other pest companies, but also with realtors, bankers, and lawyers.
Networking, especially with other pest companies, will help you find other industry connections, customers, and resources. Most pest companies have to be okay with the idea that their first clients will be from an existing network of contacts. Your best bet is to reach out to your local Pest Control Association—they are likely a large group of pest professionals in your area.

Find a niche market and build your presence there
The first step to building a pest business is finding an underserved niche market. Ideally, this market is large enough to be lucrative but small enough that you can have a large impact and make a difference. There are many niches to choose from.
A niche market is a specific group of people who are underserved or have a specific problem that isn’t being solved by other companies in your industry. For example, many counties in the United States don’t have enough pest control companies serving the entire county. Investigate whether there is a large enough niche market within your area.
Be transparent when selling services
When you’re selling services, you have to be transparent about who your customers are. You can’t just claim that you’re selling control services when you’re selling extermination services. This isn’t trustworthy or ethical. Make sure that your customers know that you’re selling pest control services and not just extermination services. Transparency goes beyond just claiming that you sell pest control.
Be transparent about all your services, including any additional services you may be offering. Explain how they are related to your core services. You want to be as transparent as possible so that your customers know exactly what they’re buying and what they’re getting from you.

Always be learning and growing
One of the best ways to build a pest business is to always be learning and growing as an industry professional. There are so many new and changing regulations in the field of pest control. As a business owner, you need to stay up to date with the regulations and technology in your industry.
You can’t just stick to the basics—you need to be willing to keep learning and growing as a business owner. You’ll learn so much more from other industry professionals than you ever will from textbooks. Some of the best lessons come from other companies in your industry, especially other pest companies. Find another pest company in your area that has been in business for a while and see what they have to say. You’re bound to learn something new from each conversation.
Wrapping Up
If you want to start your own business, you’ll need to build your business. That means cultivating relationships, networking, and finding a niche market. You’ll also want to be willing to take some risks and be transparent when selling pest services. To successfully build a pest business, you have to be persistent.
You have to be willing to take risks, network with other pest companies, and be transparent when selling services. You also have to be willing to learn and grow as an industry professional.