Blackfly is an invasive insect native to Europe that poses a big threat to Ontario’s agricultural sector. The blackfly species has a negative impact on the country’s fruit and vegetable industry, with almost one-third of Canada’s apple production, for instance, being lost to it. In other words, blackfly can cause significant losses in agricultural production if not properly managed. Thankfully, there are ways to control it. Read on to learn more about this disease and how you can protect yourself from it.
What is a blackfly?
Blackfly is a type of fly that is native to Europe and Asia. It is an invasive species because it was firstly introduced to North America in the late nineteenth century as an agricultural insect. If you’re keeping livestock or grow crops, you may come across blackflies. This fly is generally black in color and has a wingspan of up to 2-3 cm.
Blackfly bites are very itchy and can cause red bumps on the skin. Blackfly bites usually appear during warm, humid weather and usually last for a few days. If you are exposed to blackflies while working in the fields, you should remove the contaminated clothing immediately so that the itching sensation can go away sooner. If the blackfly infestation is severe, you should use an insecticide such as spinosad or pyrethrins to get rid of the pesky flies.
Blackfly as an invasive pest
Blackfly is an invasive species that threatens Ontario’s agricultural sector. The invasive pest is found in various parts of Canada, including Ontario. It is a big threat to the country’s fruit and vegetable industry, especially apple production. As the blackfly species is native to Europe, it poses a big risk for Ontario’s farmers.
Moreover, the species is closely related to the West Indian blackfly, which poses a big risk to Canada’s banana plantations. Blackfly is not commonly recognized as a threat to Ontario’s agriculture sector. This is mainly because the species is not well-known to the public. Besides, there are no reports of significant damage caused by it in the past.
Control measures for blackfly
If you are facing blackfly damage in your farm or garden, you should take swift action. You should remove all standing water where the fly can breed, and use pesticides to kill the blackfly. You can also construct water-collecting channels to channel water away from plants and let it flow back into the soil. If you’re growing fruits and vegetables, you should inspect your plants daily to check for signs of blackfly damage.
You should regularly change your irrigation systems so that the water does not stagnate, and wash your hands after working around your plants to get rid of blackfly eggs and larvae. Blackfly is a very difficult pest to control. You can use insecticides to kill the flies, but they pose a threat to both humans and the environment.
Can you get blackfly blindness?
Though blackfly is a pesky pest that affects agricultural production, it poses no threat to your health. It is, however, responsible for causing blackfly basset, which is a form of eye inflammation. The blackfly basset, however, does not cause permanent damage to the eyes. In fact, it is a very common infection in fields where blackfly thrives.
If you’re working in the garden, you should refrain from using strong pesticides for at least 24 hours after being bitten by blackfly. Blackfly does not cause any eye damage. However, it is responsible for inflammation of the eye after biting you. You should wash your hands as soon as you’re done working in the garden to reduce the risk of getting eye infections.
How to protect yourself from blackfly
Apart from taking precautions to prevent blackfly damage in your farm and garden, you should also protect yourself from the disease. If you’re exposed to blackfly while working in the fields, you should remove the contaminated clothing immediately. You can use an insecticide, such as spinosad or pyrethrins, to get rid of the nasty flies.
You can also construct water-collecting channels to divert water away from plants and let it flow back into the soil. You can also construct water-collecting channels to channel water away from plants and let it flow back into the soil. You can also construct water-collecting channels to channel water away from plants and let it flow back into the soil.
Blackfly is a common insect found in various parts of Canada, including Ontario. This fly poses a threat to the agricultural sector because it damages fruit and vegetable crops, and it is an invasive species due to its close relation to the West Indian blackfly, which poses a big risk to Canada’s banana plantations. Blackfly is not commonly recognized as a threat to Ontario’s agriculture sector.
This is mainly because the species is not well-known to the public. Besides, there are no reports of significant damage caused by it in the past. If you are facing blackfly damage in your farm or garden, you should take swift action. You should remove all standing water where the fly can breed, and use pesticides to kill the blackfly.
You can also construct water-collecting channels to channel water away from plants and let it flow back into the soil. If you are growing fruits and vegetables, you should inspect your plants daily to check for signs of blackfly damage.
You should regularly change your irrigation systems so that the water does not stagnate, and wash your hands after working around your plants to get rid of blackfly eggs and larvae. Blackfly is a very difficult pest to control. You can use insecticides to kill the flies, but they pose a threat to both humans and the environment.